Central Bank of Sri Lanka recently announced that Rs. 30,500 million Treasury bills are to be issued through an auction on 11th August 2021.
Bids are invited from the Primary Dealers in Government Securities. Bids should be made only through the electronic bidding facility provided by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL). The CBSL may accept a higher or lower amount than the offered amounts for each maturity by reallocating amounts between the maturities, depending on the market conditions, but without exceeding the total amount on offer at this auction.
The general public is invited to purchase Treasury bills from the following Primary Dealers or any other Licensed Commercial Banks.
- Acuity Securities Ltd. 2206297
- NSB Fund Management Co. Ltd 2425010
- Bank of Ceylon 2541938
- People’s Bank 2206783
- Capital Alliance Ltd 2317777
- Sampath Bank PLC 2305842
- Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC 2332319
- Seylan Bank PLC 2456340
- First Capital Treasuries PLC 2639883
- WealthTrust Securities Ltd 2675096
- Date of Auction : 11th August 2021
- Date of Settlement : 13th August 2021
- Date of Issue : 13th August 2021
- Closing date and time of bid submission : Wednesday 11th August 2021, at 11.00 a.m.
- Minimum amount of a bid : Rupees five million (Rs. 5,000,000/-) and multiples of Rupees one million (Rs. 1,000,000/-) there onwards.
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Notices | Central Bank of Sri Lanka (cbsl.gov.lk)