February 7, 2024

Sri Lanka Badminton short listed one single player to participate at the 19th Asian Games 2022 based on the local ranking and world ranking positions of all local players.This was the criteria established by the Sri Lanka Badminton and approved by the National sports selection committee of Ministry of Sports (MOS) and National Olympic Committee. […]

May 25, 2022

        Colombo, May 24, 2022: Unilever Sri Lanka has announced that 15 of its FMCG (Fast-Moving-Consumer- Goods) brands have been named the ‘Most Loved Brands’ in Sri Lanka, in LMD’s Brands Annual Ranking 2022, compiled by Brand Finance Lanka. Securing the top spots were Lifebuoy, Sunlight, Signal, Knorr, Sunsilk, Vaseline, Horlicks, Surf […]

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