June 13, 2024

Sri Lanka needs to put together a cohesive and comprehensive set of regulations and standards when it comes to advertising, marketing and communications and this should be done in consultation with various stakeholders in the industry, highlighted Thanzyl Thajudeen, the country representative of the Public Relations & Communications Association (PRCA), the world’s largest and influential […]

January 30, 2024

ASIA PACIFIC – 29th January 2024 – The APAC chapter of the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA), the world’s largest and influential PR body, together with its board member and communications expert Thanzyl Thajudeen carried out a survey among 31 agency leaders and executives to explore the current and future context of Sri Lanka’s […]

November 2, 2022

      ASIA PACIFIC – 01st November, 2022 – The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) has appointed Thanzyl Thajudeen MPRCA to its Asia Pacific Regional Board for two years from October 2022. The Regional Board provides a formal mechanism to consult with the industry’s most senior practitioners on the issues PR and communications […]

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