June 29, 2021

      The Republic of Djibouti will also get early access to new solutions and assistance with local specialist training in the use and administration of MyOffice products MOSCOW, Russia, June 29, 2021/ — MyOffice (www.MyOffice.ru/en), the Russian developer of office software for collaborative document processing and communication, has announced a milestone agreement with the […]

June 14, 2021

    MyOffice distribution partner in Africa, Independence.digital, and INGO Tech s.a.r.l., a Burundian IT company and integrator, have signed a contract MOSCOW, Russia, June 14, 2021/ — MyOffice (www.MyOffice.ru/en), a Russian developer of office software for document collaboration and communication, announced the expansion of cooperation with the Republic of Burundi.  MyOffice distribution partner in […]

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