July 18, 2022

        Helping to improve air quality and promote climate change, SLT-MOBITEL the National ICT Solutions Provider organised two more Mee Tree planting programs in Kundasale and Meerigama recently. The project, which commenced in January 2022 has to-date completed five tree planting programs in locations such as Monaragala, Melsiripura, Anuradhapura, Colombo and at […]

June 7, 2022

      -SLT-MOBITEL Marks World Environment Day 2022 at HQ -Successfully concludes 5th Mee Tree planting Programme at Meerigama Colombo, June 6, 2022 : Committed to driving sustainable Environmental Social Governance programs (ESG), to fight against climate change, SLT-MOBITEL marked the world environment day by concluding its 5th Mee tree planting initiative at Meerigama. […]

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