February 23, 2022

  LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group), a diversified global financial markets infrastructure and data business, has invested 3.1 million GBP (LKR 850 million) to refurbish their Malabe campus as part of LSEG’s global real estate strategy. Phase 1 of the project is now complete with the renovation of the head-quarters (HQ) building located at the […]

February 15, 2022

            The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) recently awarded LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) the Approved Employer Status for Professional Development. The ACCA Approved Employer scheme is a 360-degree solution for recruitment, retention and development of accounting and finance professionals. It is presented to employers who meet high standards […]

March 9, 2021

      LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) and Refinitiv have combined to become a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data provider. LSEG and Refinitiv have long provided important services and products to the market: the data and analytics used every day to make important decisions; the tools to fight financial crime; the execution […]

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