October 8, 2024

The upgraded Hall of Connected Lighting spotlights lighting designs, innovations and solutions HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach Newswire – 7 October 2024 – Fair websites Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition): hktdc.com/hklightingfairae/en Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo: hkotlexpo.hktdc.com/en Hong Kong continues to solidify its status as Asia’s premier trade fair […]

September 22, 2023

      The Debut “Connected Lighting” Zone features renowned brands HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – Fair websites Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition): hktdc.com/hklightingfairae/en Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo: hkotlexpo.hktdc.com/en Buyer registration Link Hong Kong, being the world’s premier trade fair capital in Asia, […]

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