April 6, 2022

        Acquisition signals the first step in Equinix’s long-term strategy to become a leading African carrier-neutral digital infrastructure company, enabling organizations to accelerate digital transformation throughout the continent CALIFORNIA, United States of America, April 5, 2022/APO Group/ — Equinix, Inc. (www.Equinix.com) (Nasdaq: EQIX), the world’s digital infrastructure company™, today announced it has […]

December 20, 2021

Expansion Aims to Enable Organizations to Accelerate Digital Transformation throughout Africa REDWOOD CITY, United States of America, December 7, 2021/ — Equinix, Inc.(www.Equinix.com) (Nasdaq: EQIX), the world’s digital infrastructure company™, today announced its expansion into Africa through its intended acquisition of MainOne (www.MainOne.net), a leading West African data center and connectivity solutions provider, with presence in Nigeria, Ghana and […]

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