August 16, 2021

      Best capitalized among peers Asset quality remains best among industry; Net NPA 0.64% Deposits surpass Rs 1 Trillion Group PBT Rs 12 Bn; Bank Rs 10.9 Bn Group PAT Rs 9.8 Bn; Bank Rs 9.1 Bn Ranked among Top 1000 World Banks Hatton National Bank (HNB PLC) continued to demonstrate resilience amidst […]

November 9, 2020

Colombo, 09th November 2020: Uber Eats today announced it has partnered with grocery chains and stores to deliver essential items to residents in the Colombo district as the country grapples with a second wave of COVID-19 cases. To facilitate the same day delivery of grocery items, delivery partners registered with Uber Eats have been provided […]

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