Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 2022 – Montrela Consultants Sri Lanka – one of Sri Lanka’s most sought after visa consultancy services firms based in Sri Lanka will be hosting Sri Lanka’s first migration Expo on February 12 and 13, 2022 at TAJ Samudra, Colombo and will act as a platform to provide visitors with in-depth insight to the different migration routes available to leading countries such as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.
The event which is priced at LKR 7,500/- per person (inclusive of a personalized one-on-one consultation with an international lawyer and a 5-star lunch buffet) is kicking off at 10am. A handful of tickets remain available for purchase via https://montrelaconsultants.lk/sri-lankas-1st-migration-expo/.
Commenting on the upcoming event, Managing Director, Montrela Consultants Sri Lanka – Yusri Abdullah stated: “I invite you to join us for Sri Lanka’s first migration expo at Hotel Taj Samudra Colombo, on the 12th and 13th of February this year. The event will be the first of its kind, giving you the opportunity to have a one-on-one consultation with international lawyers and our experienced consultants. Do not miss this opportunity to get tips and insights on the visa application process and take the first step in making your dream destination a reality.”
Expanding on its range of opportunities for its clients, Montrela has also introduced a hospitality-based program for specialised workers including cooks, chefs and bakers giving them the opportunity to migrate to their destination of choice.
Concluding, Abdullah stated: “Our team at Montrela is well adept at answering questions on different visa categories including the work visa, student visa, investor visa and visit visa to countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Montrela is also the only visa consultant in Sri Lanka catering to all Canadian pathways including the Express Entry, Provincial Nomination Program (PNP), Work Permit, Skilled Migrant Visa, Investor Visa, Secondary School Program, Student Visa and Visitor Visa. We are also proud to be the only consultants in Sri Lanka to handle the visa process for the coveted British Colombia tech pilot program in Canada.”
With bases in Sri Lanka, Dubai, Canada and Israel, Montrela is equipped with an experienced team of consultants and international lawyers committed towards providing our clients with expert guidance on their migration journey. We are proud to be the only company in Sri Lanka to maintain a 100 percent success rate and provide round the clock service for all our clients.