Sltc Announces Opening Of Business School

Eng. Rubasinghe, Mr. Sirisena and Prof Samarakoon unveiling the SLTC Business School logo
Eng. Rubasinghe, Mr. Sirisena and Prof Samarakoon unveiling the SLTC Business School logo

The Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) today announced the launch of their management programmes offering multiple degree pathways, representing many disciplines including, Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, and Tourism and Hospitality Management.

SLTC Business School promises to ‘Engineer the Professional Impetus required for Sri Lanka’s evolving economic landscape by providing industry relevant, timely higher education opportunities to the country’s’ youth.

The SLTC has added this vital industry requirement to its portfolio of degree programmes to prepare Sri Lanka’s next generation, giving careful consideration to the economic growth direction of the county and Upon a well thought through discussion process with industry leaders representing multiple spheres. Thus, SLTC Business School was given birth with a vision of fulfilling an evolving future demand in numerous professional spheres and management disciplines.

During the four-year course, students will have access to a number of opportunities to empower their career development and be “work-ready”. SLTC’s extensive network of local and international partnerships will help students with industry-relevant learning opportunities and the exposure to a renowned pool of top scholars and academia, all of whom have vast knowledge and experience in their respective fields.

Prof. Lalith Samarakoon giving the keynote address

Mr. Kumarasinghe Sirisena, Group Chairman of SLT (PLC), SLTC President/CEO Eng. Ranjith Rubasinghe, and Prof. Lalith P. Samarakoon, Secretary General of National Economic Council and Chief Economist, amongst many other industry experts and dignitaries expressed their views at the launch event. In unison all speakers agreed a growing need to present educational opportunities for Sri Lanka’s youth along with the right requirements for the relevant industry, and looking beyond the shores of Sri Lanka, to make them globally employable. They all held the view that well structured, practical and applicable degree programmes to suit all future requirements of industry, delivered on modern, non-traditional platforms, through respective industry experts would fulfill this requirement. It will also help the emerging graduates to be well versed with current global trends and be adept to adopt ever-changing trends.

Dr. Hilary Silva, Head of SLTC’s Business School said, “We invited industry experts to discuss and develop a curriculum that will ensure that we fulfill requirements of the next generation of employers and employees. During the course of their degree programme, our students will engage with these very same industry personnel to gain additional knowledge to fine tune their educational experience.”

As Sri Lanka is at the crux of a post war development and is in need of talent to take this nation forward, it is important that SLTC, a state affiliated fully-fledged university becomes a source for proper business education of the future generations of professionals that will be vital for national development

SLTC’s Business School has a range of industry-standard facilities, including a specialized IT & business library, contemporary study rooms and shared spaces. Further, the Business School maintains excellent links with the business community, that help ensure all management programmes being designed will suit the current needs of employers and also to provide exciting placement opportunities for our undergraduate students.

All SLTC management courses focus on job readiness, to give students the practical skills and competencies they will need to operate effectively and efficiently, in business environments, and the programmes include:

The students can follow a 4-year, 120+ credit Honours Degree Programmes in the following six key disciplines:


Supply Chain Management

Operation Management

Accounting and Finance

Human Resource Management

Tourism and Hospitality Management

Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) is a fully integrated, government affiliated, residential university campus that remains the only corporate powered higher education entity to offer a unique combination of Engineering, Technological and Management degree programs and pathways. SLTC takes pride in providing unparalleled higher education of international standard and research opportunities, through which it envision to produce career-ready global graduates.

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