SLT-MOBITEL to usher in New Year with free data offer for social media applications




Appreciating customers for their loyalty, and ensuring they remain connected to all their favourite social media applications, especially to usher in the New Year, SLT-MOBITEL as the National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Solutions Provider is introducing a free data offer.

Helping customers enjoy seamless and effortless experiences, all SLT-MOBITEL home broadband customers (SLT-Mobitel Fibre, SLT-Mobitel ADSL and SLT-Mobitel Home 4GLTE) can benefit from the attractive offer during 31st December 2021 to 02nd January 2022.

Providing more value, the free data offer applies to social medial platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Imo, Instagram and Twitter for home broadband customers to snap, post, chat and swipe at leisure without worrying about using up their data enriching their lives further.

SLT-MOBITEL understands that social media users continue to skyrocket, particularly among today’s younger digitally savvy generation, who constantly seek to share and browse content on their favourite apps. As the New Year dawns, these users who thrive on maintaining social connections will have less worries about their data limit and instead discover experiences that are effortless and seamless

Offering affordable connectivity solutions and increasing digital inclusion is among SLT-MOBITEL’s key objectives. In today’s competitive telecommunication environment, where customers continuously seek superior engagement and intimacy, the attractive free data offer will enable social media users the freedom to use some of their favourite social media apps and stay connected to family and friends.

Additionally, the offered application data will not be deducted from customers’ base package, Extra GB or any Add-ons during the campaign period. Queries and further information on the offer may be obtained by contacting 1212, visiting or  SLT-MOBITEL Social media channels .




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