Multi-national ERP implementation by Providence Global for Mamiya-OP in Bangladesh

Left to Right : Sabyasachi Mutsuddy – IT Manager MOPB, Asela Mudannayake - General Manager - Providence Global , Ashim Chowdhury– Production Manager MOPB, Arun Kumar Bhattacharjee - Maintenance Manager MOPB

Mamiya-OP a multi-national conglomerate with head offices in Japan along with regional offices in the United States and Bangladesh has successfully implemented enterprise resource planning.

Providence Global a premier provider of enterprise resource planning services implemented Abas ERP across the organization’s manufacturing and distribution network situated in Bangladesh. The implementation team at Providence was able to draw on its experience in the manufacturing space along with specialists in finance, logistics and inventory management.

The parent company Mamiya-OP focuses primarily on sporting goods with a special production unit in Chittagong, Bangladesh, which caters to global orders for golf shafts and arrows. Mamiya-OP manufactures golf shafts for most major brands with its state of the art facility and an employee base of over 4000 staff. With an expansive network catering from the Americas to the Far East, the Providence Global team had to ensure that the implemented ERP catered to global challenges such as the implementation of a multi-currency ledger, automated purchasing and sales order booking to name a few.

“It’s not the first time the team at Providence has implemented ERP systems overseas but what makes this project special is the cross-cultural team and the knowledge pool of various consultants from Mamiya-OP, UST-Mamiya and Providence. A highly knowledgeable team, along with commitment from all stakeholders made the project a success,” said General Manager, Asela Mudannayake.

The project implemented all areas of enterprise resource planning software, which included sales, purchasing, manufacturing, inventory control along with related material valuation.

The integration across all sites allowed Mamiya-OP not only to increase their efficiencies but also have greater transparency across the organization.

Speaking on behalf of Mamiya-OP, Bangladesh, Mr. Sapu, Manager IT said “We at the MOPB manufacturing plant always need to interact with our sales office in the  United States for their production requirements, material planning and scheduling delivery. Due to the time zone differences, the integrated system reduced error rates and increased transparency across two continents. It is a great achievement for us to integrate our demand and procure management processes through ABAS ERP by using EDI technology, in addition to many other specific requirements to the golf manufacturing industry. Providence is a very supportive software integrator, and their commitment to the project helped us achieve project success within a relatively short period of time.”

Adding to Mr. Sapu’s comments, Mr. Aymen Alasad (IT Manager – UST Mamiya) said “Our manufacturing plant in Bangladesh adds value to all processes through the implementation of ABAS ERP across the organization. I would like to highlight the continuous support and technical expertise from the Providence Global team. They were able to surpass our expectations and integrate all of our requirements easily with the ERP.  We loved the training and implementation process used by them as they worked alongside our team every step of the way. It was our very first cross functional implementation at the Bangladesh site from a manual system, and the Providence system prepared the organization and users for system migration and integration with great success.”

The Providence Global team has been implementing ERP for over a decade and has the ability to cater to expansive system implementation in both the manufacturing and distribution spaces. Understanding nuances of the local market and the region, Providence has prided itself on quality delivery and customer satisfaction. Experience in finance, production, inventory management, and logistics has helped to add value to their clients business processes.

The Abas ERP system can cater to integrations with mobile devices, IoT devices, and external systems to name a few. Furthermore, an on-demand cloud platform can also provide Abas ERP. For more information   Please call on +94 76    837 6087 or write to

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