Lifebuoy Effective against COVID19 – Coronavirus in Laboratory tests

May 13, 20203min0

Lifebuoy is the first soap brand to confirm its liquid hand wash and alcohol-based hand sanitiser* are over 99.9% effective against COVID-19 Coronavirus1. It is expected that this will also be proven for many more hand hygiene products.

Years of research have shown that regularly washing hands with soap and water, as advised by public health authorities2, is highly effective against germs. The initial test results, conducted at the internationally accredited Microbac Laboratories, further contribute to the years of research, and shows that a liquid hand wash and an alcohol-based hand sanitiser gel, sold by Lifebuoy in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, can successfully inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.

Dr. Vibhav Sanzgiri, R&D Vice President for Skin Cleansing at Unilever, said: “The technology of these products, and how they work, is linked to the structure of the virus. Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses which contain an outer protective layer made of fatty molecules. The initial results provide scientific evidence that the products tested inactivate the COVID-19 Coronavirus1; this is done by disrupting the protective layer of the virus.”


Samir Singh, Global EVP, Skin Cleansing at Unilever said: “The uncertainty we continue to face in this global pandemic is challenging for all of us. As we wait for a vaccine to be developed, soap continues to play a crucial role in tackling the spread of the virus. Our hope is that this scientific testing will help reassure people and encourage even greater adoption of hand washing and good hygiene habits, at a time when it has never been more important.”

Lifebuoy runs the world’s largest behaviour change programme to encourage hand washing. In response to the global pandemic, the brand has embarked on a public service campaign to remind people that hand hygiene and using any soap brand can help reduce the spread of infections. The brand has also donated over 20

1 All reference to Covid-19 Coronavirus refers to ‘SARS-CoV-2’

2 Visit the World Health Organisation website for more information:

million products, including soap, hand sanitisers and antibacterial wipes to various organisations and initiatives around the world.

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