The Upazila Governance and Development Project (UGDP), implemented by Local Government Division (LGD) and JICA, organized its “Lessons Learned Workshop” on 12 April 2023 at Hotel InterContinal, Dhaka. In the workshop, it was informed that 3,381 infrastructure sub-projects have been implemented and 14,677 officials trained through the capacity development program.
Mr. Tazul Islam MP, Minister, Ministry of Local Government Rural Development and Cooperatives was present as Chief Guest and Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Ambassador of Japan was Special Guest. Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim, Secretary of LGD and Mr. KOMORI Takashi, Senior Representative of JICA Bangladesh.
Prof. Dr. Mobasser Monem, Dhaka University in his presentation focused on the contribution of UGDP to improve governance at the Upazila level.
In the panel discussion, the speakers talked about the necessity of clear demarcations of roles and responsibilities among Union, Upazila, and District. The issue of promoting more coordination between Upazila Parishad and 17 transferred line departments, was also addressed by several Upazila Representatives and other participants.