Legendary Disco group Boney M stays at the Galle Face Hotel

June 20, 20181min0
Boney M (2)

Regarded as one of the best and oldest hotels this side of the Suez, the Galle Face Hotel is one of Colombo’s most iconic institutions. For over 150 years, the landmark hotel has set the bar for luxury accommodation and is the preferred choice for guests. The hotel has a long-standing history of hosting prominent visitors, counting among them Sir Arthur C. Clarke, John D. Rockefeller, Carrie Fisher and Indira Gandhi to name a few.

Recently, the hotel was home to legendary disco group Boney M. The group was in Sri Lanka to perform a concert. Liz Mitchell, the original lead vocalist and her full eight-piece band had an enjoyable stay at the hotel, surrounded by its tranquil ambience and magnificent views of the Indian Ocean.

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