Kala Pola 2018 – celebrates 25 years of giving colour to life Record visitors top 28,000! Sales exceed Rs. 15.3 Mn!

KP Post Event 01

Sri Lanka’s much anticipated annual open-air art fair ‘Kala Pola’ celebrated its 25th anniversary in an explosion of colour on Sunday, 25th February drawing record numbers of art enthusiasts to the vast collection of canvasses replete with colour, vivid sculptures and more, displayed on the street named after the great art historian, Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy.

The vibrant event which has etched its imprint on both locals and tourists has flourished under the joint guidance and sustained partnership of Sri Lanka’s premier blue chip company John Keells Holdings (JKH) and The George Keyt Foundation (GKF).

Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha was a rich palette bursting at the seams with paintings from 358 artists who were given the opportunity to showcase their talents to a broad spectrum of visitors – local and foreign, school children and adults – estimated to number over 28,500.

Among the distinguished guests to patronise the event were Chief Guest High Commissioner of India H.E. Shri Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Deputy Chairman of JKH Krishan Balendra, Chairman of GKF Mike Anthonisz, among others. Speaking at the official ceremony, Mike Anthonisz noted that “JKH stepped in long before CSR, sustainability and the triple bottom line were in vogue”, adding that “the erstwhile Chairman of John Keells, Ken Balendra had been instrumental in the repatriation of the George Keyt collection of paintings from London through Neville Leaf, Director of GKF which was the nucleus of the foundation. The mammoth efforts promulgated by JKH paved the way for the growth of the aesthetics, predominantly art and sculpture in Sri Lanka”.

“We are proud of our partnership with The George Keyt Foundation spanning 24 years as sponsor and co-organiser of Kala Pola and to see this event evolve as a primary platform to showcase, promote and enhance livelihoods of Sri Lankan artists and sculptors,” said Mr. Krishan Balendra, JKH’s Deputy Chairman. “In addition to being a marketplace, Kala Pola has become a networking and learning opportunity for artists. We are also happy to witness the increasing number of visitors and buyers travelling from all over the island and even from around the world for this event. Several artists who started at Kala Pola have gone on to become professional artists, earning a sizable livelihood from art. We are felicitating some of the senior artists of Kala Pola as part of our silver anniversary commemorations”.     

“The possibilities of art are constrained only by our imagination”, said H.E. Shri Taranjit Singh Sandhu, High Commissioner of India addressing the gathering and sharing in-depth information about the essence and advantages of art. “Despite art being a rich heritage harking back centuries in this region of South Asia, the atmosphere and ethos created through Kala Pola are unique as it has inspired many artists who could be the next Picasso. JKH and GKF have facilitated this passion of art for a quarter of a century which in itself is noteworthy. This is truly uplifting even spiritually as I believe that art and creativity cleanse the soul.”

Sales at Kala Pola exceeded Rs. 15.3 million with some of the artists also being commissioned for their extensive range of canvasses, mixed media, portraits, sketches, intricate sculptures and abstract art.

Nadija Tambiah, Head of CSR, John Keells Holdings PLC said, “Kala Pola  continues to play an important role in providing a market place for artists and an opportunity for anyone interested in art to buy a piece of original art. We are delighted to see art teachers bringing their students and tourists taking time off their tours to walk through the stalls.  We are proud to have played a part in building a nation of art lovers. The 25 years of existence and increasing popularity of the event could not have been a reality if not for the support network through our staff volunteers, media organisations and others who have continuously and consistently supported our cause in providing a much needed stage for the development of this sphere among aspiring local artists and those who value art the world over.”

As a means of nurturing budding talent, Kala Pola 2018 continued to host a Children’s Art Corner with 170 child artists guided by the teachers of the Cora Abraham School. This was sponsored by Ceylon Cold Stores PLC, the owner of the Elephant House brand which rewarded the kids’ participation with specially designed certificates and refreshments courtesy of Elephant House.

The evening came alive with a variety of entertainment provided by Namaskara, Ranwala Foundation, Music Matters and the Ravibhandu Vidyapathi Drum Ensemble while 45 child musicians of The Music Project performed orchestral pieces during the morning.

Kala Pola 2018 was supported by a team of 105 volunteers from the John Keells Group, some of whom have supported this endeavor repeatedly. “Art fosters friendship and breaks invincible barriers”, said Zahara Preena a volunteer who has seen the commitment of those who value the significance of creating an avenue of hope for artists through Kala Pola.

Furthermore the varied tools such as the dedicated websites www.kalapola.lk and www.srilankanartgallery.com hosted by John Keells Foundation enable Sri Lankan artists to access markets throughout the year.  Please visit www.kalapola.lk  or contact John Keells Foundation or The George Keyt Foundation for further information.

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