ICMAB organized a CPD program on Driving Business Excellence through Ethics & Compliance

25 june 2024--icamb (LBN)
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) organized a Continuing Professional Development program on Driving Business Excellence through Ethics and Compliance on 25 June 2024 Tuesday at ICMAB Ruhul Quddus Auditorium, Nilkhet, Dhaka.

A team from Banglalink Digital Communications headed by Mr. Muniruzzaman Sheikh, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, along with Mr. Mohammad Adil Hossain, CCEP-I, Deputy Director, Compliance Operations and AML Program, and Mr. Mohammad Salim Kabir CSMP, CFE, Head of Investigations, Training & Guidance led the intellectual exercise. The CPD provided a comprehensive understanding of the importance of Ethics and Compliance (E&C) in business, practical tools and strategies for implementing E&C practices and preventing fraud, Consequence of non-compliance and the personal and professional benefits of adhering to these principles.
Immediate Past President of ICMAB, Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA, Secretary, FID, Ministry of Finance, extended his thanks to all participants, special guest and resource persons to being a part of this endeavor. Council Member Mr. Md. Maksudur Rahman FCMA welcomed the audience in his welcome address. Council Member of ICMAB, Mr. Hasnain Thoufiq Ahmed FCMA, Group Business Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rahimafrooz Group, expressed his gratitude to all participants for their engagement in the CPD.
Among the attendees were Mr. Md. Kausar Alam FCMA, Council Member of ICMAB, along with a large number of Fellow and Associate Members who witnessed the Workshop

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