Huawei Reveals Intelligent Campus Ecosystem Plan, Collaborating with the Industry to Win a Trillion-Yuan Market


During HUAWEI CONNECT 2019, Huawei introduced its Intelligent Campus Ecosystem Plan and the intelligent HiCampus solution jointly developed with partners for enterprise customers in China and beyond. The announcement came during an intelligent campus summit themed around “bringing digital to every campus for pervasive intelligence.”

More than 1,000 customers and ecosystem partners from all over the world gathered at the summit to explore the road to intelligent campus innovation and better industry development. The summit was addressed by a wide range of intelligent campus experts including Yan Lida, President of Huawei Enterprise Business Group; Xiong Sidong, President of Soochow University; Zhang Yahong, Vice Director at Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks; Dr. Yang Ou, Executive Director and CEO of China Overseas Property Holdings Limited; Jing Yongsheng, CEO of BeiMing Software Co., Ltd.; and Dr. Su Baohua, President of Intelligent Campus Business Dept. of Huawei Enterprise Business Group.

According to an IDC report, the intelligent campus market in China will exceed CNY200 billion in 2019. Over the next four years, compound annual growth will be nearly 13% and by the end of 2022, the market in China will reach nearly CNY300 billion, with the global market space worth seven times that of China.

Yan Lida, President of Huawei Enterprise Business Group, said: “We are redefining campuses based on our rich experience in campus construction and following our ‘Platform + Ecosystem’ strategy. Through the Huawei Horizon Digital Platform, we can interconnect various end devices in a campus and open multiple types of access points and capabilities. We are working with our partners to develop a wide variety of scenario-specific solutions to address a range of customer needs, such as those around industry development, safety guarantee, simplified experience and operational efficiency. To date, Huawei has more than 300 intelligent campus ecosystem partners. We complement each other and have supported several hundred customers in making their campuses intelligent. We believe a campus is the basic unit of a city, and our goal is to play our part in building a better, intelligent world by adding intelligence to every campus.”

Constructing HiCampus Based on the Huawei Horizon Digital Platform

To address the needs of this fast-growing market, Huawei has worked with its partners to develop HiCampus, an integrated intelligent campus solution based on the Huawei Horizon Digital Platform. The platform is developed based on Huawei’s extensive experience of campus digital transformation. It is “fully connected, converged, and open”, which helps customers and partners deliver rapid service innovation.

Fully connected: The platform integrates IT and OT to connect everything, and achieves cross-cloud and cross-domain service connection based on a technical architecture.

Fully converged: The platform converges 10 new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and Internet of Things (IoT), and accumulates hundreds of services (business assets, integration assets, and data assets) based on customers’ success cases.

Fully open: The platform has open capabilities, including in baseline applications and services for general scenarios, and provides a powerful application development environment, helping customers and partners achieve agile innovation.

Dr. Su Baohua, President of Intelligent Campus Business Dept., Huawei Enterprise Business Group, commented: “Huawei adopts a ‘Platform + Ecosystem’ strategy in its intelligent campus business, and has teamed up with ecosystem partners to build a scenario-specific intelligent campus solution — HiCampus — based on the Huawei Horizon Digital Platform. HiCampus can assist customers in achieving all-scenario intelligence, enabling service innovation, improving operational efficiency, and delivering a simplified experience. Huawei is committed to bringing digital to every campus for pervasive intelligence.”

Introducing the Intelligent Campus Ecosystem Plan: Embracing a Better Future with Partners

Huawei is actively participating in formulating China’s intelligent campus standards, promoting ecosystem construction, and gathering industry partners to accelerate the development of the intelligent campus industry. Huawei has identified more than 300 intelligent campus partners, and hundreds of developers and service engineers, that are working with Huawei and have obtained the development and service expert certifications.

During Huawei Connect 2019, Huawei released ecosystem plans tailored for 10 types of partners around the intelligent campus solution based on the Huawei Horizon Digital Platform. These include enablement training, interoperability test, joint R&D of solutions, and integrated marketing. In addition, Huawei issued certificates for the intelligent campus domain to the first group of partners who had completed the interconnection test and training certification.

Looking ahead, Huawei will work with partners to construct a collaborative, win-win intelligent campus ecosystem and achieve shared success in the trillion-yuan intelligent campus market.

HUAWEI CONNECT is an annual flagship event hosted by Huawei for the global ICT industry, and this year is being held in Shanghai from September 18 to 20, 2019. This year’s conference is themed around “Advance Intelligence” and aims to establish an open, cooperative, and shared platform for customers and partners to explore new opportunities for an intelligent future.  For more information, please visit:

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