Exceptional Excellence through Empathy At Royal Institute

Royal Institute (RI), at her 50th anniversary celebrating excellence, is delighted to announce the astounding academic brilliance displayed by her students at Cambridge International Ordinary Level (OL), Advanced Subsidiary level(AS), and Advanced Level (AL) examinations held in 2020.

Although, such scholastic excellence is a familiar experience at RI, the joy, pride, and fulfilment it brings to all stakeholders including students, parents, teachers and the management year-after-year are indescribable. Moreover, the year 2020 was inarguably an entirely critical year for all earthlings. The pandemic ultimately redefined many prevailing norms including those in education. While schools were closed down, all schools, students, and teachers adopted online teaching/learning and the physical conducting of examinations was cancelled; all teaching and learning were confined to online platforms.

Amidst extensive changes in routine, practices, and entire lifestyle, remarkably confident and smart students of RI sat their Cambridge International OL, AS Level, and Advanced Level examinations in 2020 and displayed their commendable capacity and perseverance by scoring outstandingly high marks and achieving excellent grades. They have fulfilled the dreams held so dearly by their parents and alma mater.

100 students have achieved astoundingly admirable results in the 2020 exam series showcasing the commitment, competence, and adaptability of both the learner and teacher and moreover, the accomplishments made by the most modern world-class education provided at Royal Institute.

Students have demonstrated breathtaking scholastic brilliance in their respective levels.

At OLs, four exceptionally talented students have achieved 7A*s, 27 – 7As, another 4 – 8As, and most strikingly, Samangi Gunawardana has obtained 9A*s making a total of 36 outstanding achievements.

Similarly, at AS Level, 12 brilliant students have achieved 3As, another 12 -4As, and 3 – 5As. It is truly amazing to have Yuthin Himsara achieve 6As with a unique combination of Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science, Further Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics, bringing the number of high achievements at AS Level to a total of 28.




Furthermore, at ALs a total of 36 extraordinarily smart students have achieved excellent grades of 3As and above including 9 – 3A*s, 4 – 4A*s, and 6 – 4As. It is with immense joy we announce that Shiyaza Shariffdeen has achieved 5A*s with Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Law, Mathematics, and Psychology as her choice of subjects.

It is also noteworthy that the outstanding academic brilliance portrayed by these achievers is spread among an array of diverse study streams and unique subject combinations including the conventional pathways of Biology, Commerce, and Further Mathematics along with Humanities and Social Sciences within which students get to explore and excel in the most distinctive subjects such as Law, Psychology, English Language and Global Perspectives and Research offered exclusively at Royal Institute International School.

Royal Institute prides on all her excellent performers and shall guide and accompany them right along their journey to success.

RI expresses her sincere thanks to all dedicated teachers and staff!

RI joyfully congratulates Samangi, Yuthin, Shiyaza, and all other sons and daughters on their astounding achievements!

Furthermore, Royal Institute, a pioneer in the arena of international education with fifty long years of incomparable experience in the industry firmly believes in ‘Excellence through Empathy and Experience’ and constantly strives to mould highly competent and skilled individuals who are equally rich with empathy, compassion, and selflessness. Each personality at RI, from Founder to janitor acts with utmost sincerity, care, and reliability as one, holding dearly a collective responsibility to achieve a collective goal.

At the significant milestone of 50th-anniversary celebrations, RI has launched RI Generous Hearts, a CSR initiative that targets 5,000 deprived young students from the remotes of the island. While humbly rejoicing at her students’ academic excellence, Royal Institute earnestly longs to see the underprivileged young learners in the distant regions secure their future through education, triumphantly overcoming the hindrances and challenges caused by poverty. With this at the core, RI Generous Hearts will donate 5,000 school packs to the aforementioned target students so that they could continue their education uninterrupted.

To a nation that has practiced giving and sharing instead of self-consumption over the past thousands of years, this certainly is a familiar concept. RI Generous Hearts is open to all generous donors who wish to collaborate in this worthy cause and be a part of their unending joy.

More information on RI Generous Hearts, the CSR project, can be found on https://royalinstitute.org/ri-generous-hearts/







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