DFCC drives its core business forward in Q1


DFCC continues to aggressively pursue its role as a commercial bank by strengthening its core business, creating momentum in the industry with its constantly evolving best in class offerings and creating a culture of service amongst its people.


The DFCC Group comprises DFCC Bank PLC (DFCC), and its subsidiaries – Lanka Industrial Estates Limited (LINDEL), DFCC Consulting (Pvt) Limited (DCPL) and Synapsys Limited (SL), the joint venture company – Acuity Partners (Pvt) Limited (APL) and the associate company – National Asset Management Limited (NAMAL).

For quarter ended 31 March 2018, the DFCC Group recorded a profit before tax of LKR 1,545 million and profit after tax of LKR1,110 million as compared to LKR 1,647 million and LKR 1,301 million respectively in the comparative period in 2017.


Income Statement

The Bank reported a profit before tax of LKR 1,493 million and a profit after tax of LKR 1,074 million compared to LKR 1,593 million and LKR 1,267 million in the comparative period in 2017, a drop of 6% and 15% respectively.

The Bank recorded a growth of 17% in total operating income amounting to LKR 4,093 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2018 compared to LKR 3,503 in the comparative period in 2017. However due to the higher charge for impairment as a result of Bank’s prudent provisioning policies, the net operating income recorded a growth of only 4%.

The Bank’s NPL ratio increased to 3.12% as at March 2018 from 2.77% recorded in December 2017 as a result of adverse environmental conditions in the operating environment. The industry NPL ratio also recorded an upward trend.

The Bank has strengthened processes whereby close follow up measures are taken to arrest defaults at an early stage and all efforts are made to swiftly recover loans in default.

The Bank achieved a notable growth in its core business operations during the quarter under review. During the current period, net interest income grew by 29% to LKR 3,342 million from LKR 2,581 million in the 1st quarter of 2017 while net fee and commission income grew by 27% to LKR 434 million from LKR 343 million in the comparable period. Interest margin improved to 4.0% during the quarter under review from 3.6% in the comparable period.

Operating expenses increased from LKR 1,343 million to LKR 1,579 million (18%) in the comparable period due to branch expansion and business promotions that were carried out during the first quarter 2018. Bank added 10 fully fledged branches during the period April 2017 to March 2018 and continued its drive to expand its franchise through business promotions, which helped to increase income streams.

Other comprehensive income before tax improved by LKR 1,475 million (86%) over the previous period. Mark to market impact on investment in equity securities under available for sales investment has improved by LKR 1,771 Million year on year while mark to market impact on fixed income securities declined by LKR 296 million.

Financial Position

Total assets of the Bank grew by LKR 67,236 million year on year which reflects a 24% growth compared to March 2017. The growth in total assets from December 2017 was LKR 18,393 Million (6%).

Continuing the growth strategy, Bank’s Loans to and receivables from other customers (Loans and advances) grew by LKR 35,475 million to LKR 222,588 million compared to LKR 187,113 million as at 31 March 2017 reflecting a growth of 19%. First quarter 2018 growth in Loans and advances was LKR 8,912 million.

Reflecting the success of the deposit promotional campaigns and also public trust in the Bank, the deposit base increased by LKR 56,925 million (40%) from LKR 143,625 million in March 2017 to LKR 200,550 million as at 31 March 2018. The Bank’s low cost deposits (CASA) ratio was 19.6% compared to 21.3% as at 31 December 2017.

This is a result of an increased growth in time deposits versus savings which is reflected in the first quarter. With the impending promotional campaigns planned to mobilise low cost deposits this position will be corrected in the coming months.

The Bank continues to enjoy long term concessionary credit lines which improves the ratio to 28.4% as at 31 March 2018.

Equity & Capital Requirements

The Bank has successfully issued BASEL III compliant Tier II listed rated unsecured subordinated redeemable debenture of LKR 7 billion (oversubscribed on opening day) in order to sustain the planned lending growth and to maintain stable Basel III compliant ratio. The Bank has comfortably met minimum capital requirement ratios under Basel III. As at 31 March 2018, the Group’s Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio stood at 12.462% while the total capital adequacy ratio stood at 18.242%. DFCC Bank recorded Tier 1 and total capital adequacy ratios of 12.074% and 17.877% respectively as at 31st March 2018 compared to tier I and total ratios of 12.68% and 16.13% respectively as at 31st December 2017. The ratios reported are well above the minimum regulatory requirements of 7.875% and 11.875%.

Commenting on DFCC Bank’s financial results, Lakshman Silva – CEO, DFCC Bank, said,

“The overall performance of the quarter indicates that DFCC Bank is well positioned to serve the nation as a commercial bank through a range of financial services that will promote wealth creation across the country. The Bank is inculcating in its entire staff a culture of providing excellence to customers at all touch points. The Bank is in line with targets set for Q 1 as per the Board approved 3 year plan.    Whilst planning our growth strategy we have set into motion an array of financially prudent measures, digitalization initiatives, customized financial solutions coupled with convenience ,  branch expansion and other innovative products & services to position ourselves to becoming the preferred consumer bank in the banking landscape. The state-of-the-art Payments and Cash Management (PCM) solution & the new range of Credit Cards launched will facilitate in making DFCC’s consumer banking proposition much stronger. Delivering sustainable value to all our stakeholders underpins our efforts as we partner our customers on the path to financial growth.”

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