Conference on Navigating Bangladesh’s Evolving Economic Landscape

December 25, 2024, at Radisson Blu, Chattogram. (LBN)

The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB), Chattogram Branch Council, organized a day-long conference on “Navigating Bangladesh’s Evolving Economic Landscape” on 25 December 2024, Wednesday at Radisson Blu, Chattogram.

Honorable Advisor to the Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Sheikh Bashir Uddin, was the Chief Guest of the program. Mr. Md. Selim Uddin, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA, Secretary, Internal Resource Division (IRD) & Chairman, NBR; Mr. Ali Hussain Akber Ali FCA, Chairman, BSRM Group; Mr. Mahtab Uddin Ahmed FCMA, Founder & Managing Director, BuildCon Consultancies Ltd. & President, ICMAB, were special guests. Mr. Towfiqul Islam Khan, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), presented the theme paper. Mr. Mohammad Shaheed FCA, Chairman of the Seminar and Conference Committee, welcomed the guests and participants in his opening speech. CBC Chairman Mr. Pradip Paul FCA, FCMA, thanked everyone for their presence.



Mr. Sheikh Bashir Uddin said to navigate our evolving economic landscape, the disclosure of sustainability and climate-related risks and opportunities will help market participants make informed decisions and contribute to the overall goal of achieving national and global sustainability targets.

 Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA emphasized that to reach the ultimate goal of the evolving economic landscape and strengthen our economic foundations, we must amplify our national treasury along with precise accountability, transparency, and integrity. Mr. Ali Hussain Akber Ali FCA remarked that diversification, healthy competition in business, and consideration of environmental issues, along with utmost consumer satisfaction, will undeniably enhance our economic landscape. Mr. Mahtab Uddin Ahmed FCMA believes that, in this transitional period, our skilled and promising professionals will eagerly take the opportunity to support the economy on the path to sustainable growth and development.

The paper on “Sustainable Economic Recovery: Managing Inflation, Debt, & Fiscal Policy” was presented by Dr. M. Masrur Reaz, a prominent economist and public policy expert, as well as the Chairman and CEO of Policy Exchange Bangladesh. Mr. Md. Mamunur Rashid FCMA, Additional Managing Director, Index Group of Companies & Past President, ICMAB, conducted the session. Mr. Mohammed Jahangir Alam FCMA, Director & CEO, LEVERnGEAR Ltd., and Council Member, ICMAB, Mr. Imtiaz Alam FCA, FCMA, Senior Partner at Alam M. Zaman & Co. Chartered Accountants, participated as discussants.

Another paper on “Strengthening Local Industries for Global Competitiveness: The Role of Strategic Cost Management” was presented by Dr. Emon Kalyan Chowdhury, Distinguished Academic and Head of the Department of Accounting at CIU Business School. The session was conducted by Mr. Muslim Chowdhury Chairman Sonali Bank PLC, and commented on by Mr. Md. Kausar Alam FCS, FCCA, ACA (E&W), FCMA, Group CFO & Company Secretary, Shunshine Group & Vice-President, ICMAB; Mr. Md. Maksudur Rahman FCMA, CEO, EDISON Logistics Business & Council Member, ICMAB; and Mr. A. K. M. Kamruzzaman FCMA, Senior Executive Vice President & Head of Operations, LankaBangla Finance Limited, who graced the session as discussants.

A large number of Fellow and Associate members, students of ICMAB, high officials of government and semi-government institutions, financial institutions, corporate leaders, and academicians attended the conference.



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