Commercial Credit powers ‘Future Minds 2017 ’

PHOTO - Commercial Credit powers Future Minds 2017

Colombo. Thursday 06 July 2017. Commercial Credit continues to empower the ‘Future Minds 2017’ exhibition organised by the Nalanda College Junior Old Boys Association for the 12th consecutive year.

Aptly themed ‘No One Left Behind,’ this national higher education and career exhibition is held annually in three main cities targeting a number of students who wish to pursue the global trend in achieving a higher education.

‘Future Minds’ had a hugely successful run at the BMICH Colombo from June 16 to 18 with the stalls and information centres being patronised by thousands of visitors.

Subsequently, the event drew large crowds, as it always does, to the Kandy KCC on June 24th and 25th. Thereafter, it will be held at the Galle Town Hall from September 9th and 10th.

“As the official sponsor we are proud to be associated with this national educational initiative for the past twelve years. This mammoth venture is the portal to a secure tomorrow for our youth which is considered the backbone of our country. Future Minds has continued to guide the youngsters by providing numerous options to choose from. Through Commercial Credit the many underprivileged students are further facilitated by a loan scheme which provides financial assistance to further their educational aspirations,” said Commercial Credit’s Chief Operating Officer Rajiv Casie Chitty.

“With this exhibition our aim is to provide a platform for students to achieve a world class education, with the intention of achieving their dream careers. These exhibitions are an invaluable platform for all those who are involved in the educational sector to communicate among each other. This further enables students to plan their future effectively. Higher education is a pre-requisite to securing a lucrative job in a competitive world and students are often mislead by the numerous advertising campaigns that lead to a cul-de-sac. Future Minds, sets the benchmark for prospective students to ensure the validity and authenticity of the institutions and programmes available,” said President of the Nalanda Junior OBA Mr. Chathura Lakindhu.

The career counselling driven forum is channeled to pave the way for better understanding through extensive career counseling sessions and targeting students who have completed the AL and OL examinations. The students are initially subject to a psychometric test. Thereafter a number of industry experts, career and personal counsellors will be available for the students to get help in any aspect of career or personal guidance.

Industry experts occupy dedicated ‘Counselling Corners’, segmented in many fields such as HR, Banking & Finance, Engineering, Business Administration, Marketing, Supply Chain, Logistics etc. Thereafter, a completely oriented student then enters the exhibition floor stepping into a most effective higher education journey.

The exhibition is informative to families as a whole as it provides awareness of financing options and costs and provides more space for committing to a decision on the most effective higher education options for the student concerned.

Moreover, Future Minds grants youth the impetus to proceed in choosing a stream which would be beneficial for a future career on par with global trends while creating the most synergetic platform on higher education in 2017, which is the main aim of this exhibition.

Commercial Credit and Finance PLC is a Registered Finance Company with an extensive service network across the country and a history of 35 years. It offers a wide portfolio of products and services including Fixed Deposits, Savings, Leasing, Hire Purchase, Education Loans, Real Estate, Term Loans, Gold Loans, Revolving Business Loans, Factoring and Micro

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