Climate Change and International Conference on Population and Development

16 may 2024----env m--2
Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury said the contribution of women in tackling climate risks is very important. Women are the pillars of resilience, being 14 times more affected than men. Recognizing their role in disaster response, he stressed proper assessment of community vulnerability and updating the National Adaptation Plan to prioritize women and children’s health. He advocated for the MCPP approach, aiming to transition vulnerability into resilience and resilience to prosperity. He also emphasized the need for financing, technology, and capacity building.

Speaking at Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development in the Climate Change and International Conference on Population and Development held at Hotel Intercontinental on Thursday 16 May 2024, Minister Chowdhury outlined various initiatives undertaken by the government to address climate challenges.
Minister said the government is implementing lots of initiatives to supporting communities in Bangladesh to adapt and build resilience to climate change impacts.
Minister Chowdhury highlighted the government’s active promotion of community-based adaptation programs aimed at empowering local communities to identify and implement strategies to cope with climate change challenges. These programs focus on enhancing community resilience through sustainable agriculture, water management, and disaster preparedness.
Saber Chowdhury said the government is investing in climate-resilient infrastructure projects to safeguard critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings from the impacts of extreme weather events like cyclones and floods. Strengthening early warning systems is also a priority to provide timely alerts and evacuation procedures for communities at risk of climate-related disasters. “We are committed to promoting sustainable livelihood options such as eco-friendly agriculture, aquaculture, and alternative energy sources to reduce dependency on climate-vulnerable sectors and enhance community resilience,” said Minister Chowdhury.
Environment Minister said large-scale afforestation and reforestation programs are being implemented to increase green cover, mitigate climate change impacts, and enhance biodiversity. Capacity-building programs and awareness campaigns among communities about climate change adaptation strategies, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable environmental practices are also underway. Minister said these efforts underscore the government’s dedication to building a climate-resilient Bangladesh and ensuring the well-being of its people in the face of climate change challenges.
The session was attended by distinguished figures including, Martin Moreti, Minister for Women, Youth, Sports and Social Affairs of the Republic of Kiribati, Diene Kieta, Assistant Secretary-General, Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA, and Elizabeth Gulugulu, former YOUNGO Global South Focal Point. Neil Datta from the European Parliamentarian Forum moderated the session

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