Arvind Fernando wins the 20th AmCham- FedEx Express Golf Tournament


The AmCham-FedEx Express Golf Tournament 2019 was held last Sunday at the Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC).

The tournament was played to an individual Stableford format, with the players teeing off to a shotgun start at 7:00a.m. The overall best score of the day was achieved by Mr. Arvind Fernando with 36 points gross. Mr. Arvind Fernando will be enjoying a Business Class ticket to Hong Kong courtesy of Cathay Pacific, the Official Airline Sponsor of the tournament.

In the AmCham members category, Mr. Mohamed R. Mihular was the winner, with Mr. A.W.M. Reza making it to the runner-up position.

Mr. Arvind Fernando also won the best score for Division A scoring 41 points with a better back nine, edging out Mr. Gihan Siribaddana who scored 41 points.

Ms. Dinoo De Mel won the Longest and Most Accurate Drive on the 8th hole in the women’s category, while Mr. Afflli Raheem won the Longest and Most Accurate Drive on the 8th hole in the men’s category. Nearest to The Pin on the 9th hole in the women’s category was won by Ms. Eliane Sterchi, while Mr. M. Fazeel won the same in the men’s category.

An array of prizes was distributed for many categories, and the Masters Division was won by Mr. Paul Davis scoring 45 points and Mr. Hemasiri Subasinghe won the Seniors Division with a score of 41 points.

The tournament featured a specialty jazz brunch for participants as well as AmCham members and Mountain Hawk Express guests, followed by an awards ceremony.


Winning Categories


Category Name of Player Points Received
Seniors (65 over) Runner Up Kumar Boralessa 36
Winner Hemasiri Subasinghe 41
Masters (55-65) Runner Up Mohamed R. Mihular 45
Winner Paul Davis 45
Ladies Section Runner Up Dinoo De Mel 37
Winner Ruani Desinghe 37 with better back-nine
Longest and Most Accurate Drive on the 8th Men Afflli Raheem
Women Dinoo De Mel
Nearest to the Pin on the 9th Hole Men M. Fazeel
Women Eliane Sterchi
C Division Handicap 19-28 Runner Up Iftikar Ahamed 46 with better back-nine
Winner Nishan Premathiratne 46
B Division Handicap 10-18 Runner Up Arjun Fernando 43 with better back-nine
Winner Radesh Daluwatta 44
A Division Handicap 0-9 Runner Up Gihan Siribaddana 41
Winner Arvind Fernando 41 with better back-nine
AmCham Members Runner Up A.W.M. Reza 45
Winner Mohamed R. Mihular 45 with better back-nine
Overall Winner – Gross Winner Arvind Fernando 36 Gross
Overall Winner – Net Winner Nishan Premathiratne 46

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