AFP’s globally renowned Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis (FPAC) certification now offered in Sri Lanka.





The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) and PMsquare have announced a formal partnership to offer exam preparation courses for finance professionals based in Sri Lanka. The courses will equip financial professionals with the tools they need to earn the Certified Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) Professional (FPAC) certification, sponsored by AFP.

By partnering together, AFP and PMsquare are providing finance professionals in Sri Lanka with an opportunity to achieve their career goals. Each student will have access to the online preparation programme, plus a blended learning experience with PMsquare local instructors.

“This partnership with PMsquare helps to further achieve AFP’s goal of better serving finance professionals in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Himashi Soriano, managing director of APAC. “AFP understands the importance of grooming leaders and specialists in this area, and as digital transformation shapes the future of finance, those that hold the FP&A certification will be leading the way. This training solution will support practitioners throughout Sri Lanka to establish themselves as leaders in the FP&A field and gain even more skills as they prepare for the exam.”

The FPAC credential establishes a set of core competencies for the corporate FP&A profession and addresses areas that are not necessarily covered by traditional accounting degrees. It is the only credential that is specific to FP&A; it is forward-looking and assesses the ability to see the big picture. Certified FP&A professionals are specially equipped to mitigate uncertainty and see beyond the numbers; they strive to make the numbers work to determine holistic strategic planning, budgeting, and forecasting that ties into the goals of the business.

“The FP&A function is critical for successfully charting the future of any organisation. Companies in leading economies have defined and dedicated FP&A roles,” said Kaveenga Wijayasekara, managing director of PMsquare Sri Lanka. “Sri Lankan organisations too will benefit vastly with qualified FP&A teams. PMsquare is honoured to partner with AFP to offer this globally recognised qualification in Sri Lanka.”

Course participants will have access to AFP’s comprehensive online training platform. This platform is supplemented with instructor led sessions by PMsquare consultants where participants will gain practical experience on leading FP&A technologies and advanced financial modeling, predictive modeling, data management and business communication skills.

The AFP and PMsquare have organized an information session on the FPAC Certification, organized by the AFP at 12:30pm on Thursday 20 May

Visit for more information on the FPAC credential.







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