A chance vote that could create a positive social revolution. But are we willing to take the risk?


6 Questions with Charith Galhena – NO 6, National People’s Power (Colombo District)

A chance vote that could create a positive social revolution. But are we willing to take the risk? Amidst the debate and occasional mud-slinging campaigns that are flooding our mass media and social media feeds, are tiny voices of potential change that are waiting to be heard. Young professionals, and academics that have been observers of political debacle over the years have decided to take a stand, and enter into the arena themselves, armed with nothing but their knowledge, determination and passion for positive change. We do not know their intention, but can only give them the benefit of the doubt, for we the public are truly at the mercy of the great men and women who rule; in reality the custodians of the people’s power.

In its endeavor to be impartial and candid, LBN interviews a young newcomer to party politics, from the renowned yet somewhat subdued political party, National People’s Power (NPP). The NPP that now consists of visionary young leaders all who have been tested for their integrity and intensity in standing up for justice in the political and legal arena. Charith Galhena, Candidate from Colombo, shares his views and the plans they have for making Sri Lanka great again.


  1. Who is the person named ‘Charith Galhena’?

I am a past pupil of Royal College, who commenced my career as a Software Engineer. I am now a qualified lawyer, currently having my own practice in Civil, Commercial and Appellate Law. In the years 2012 to 2014, I served as the Assistant Secretary of the BAR Association of Sri Lanka and in 2019 served as the Secretary of the Colombo Law Society. During my tenure in these roles, I had to take the lead in two significant incidents that challenged the independence of the Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka, due to a dictatorial regime prevalent at the time. These two incidents involving the Mannar Court Complex and illegal impeachment of the Chief Justice, were both trials that I would define as moments of truth in being tested for integrity and upholding of justice especially in the face of powerful political oppression. I am yet another citizen who wants to live in peace, with my family and fellow citizens while supporting and standing up for the lesser privileged and oppressed.

  1. Politics, is messy game, reserved for the experts. Why would a successful professional as you enter into this cave of the unknown

Politics is not messy or a dirty game, but I don’t blame the people for that perception because that has now become the norm. And that’s going to take a long time to change. But then, someone must step up to change it. This question, ‘why you’, has been asked of many who have brought about revolutionary positive changes to their country, Gandhi, Castro, Mandela. But my simple answer to this age old question is, because it’s time someone did, and it starts with me. It is my binding duty as a person who has enjoyed many privileges at the expense of the hard-working, poor and oppressed workers in my country. I had the luxury of free education, access to free health care and so many other benefits that have been funded, so to speak by the Sri Lankans working abroad, garment sector, tourism and tea sector to mention a few. So it is now a duty cast upon me, as a grateful and responsible beneficiary to now give back and stand up for the under privileged unsung heroes of our society. This is my 1st step towards making this positive change.


  1. What would make you different from the rest of the politicians? Why vote Charith?

Well let me answer it this way, not just Charith, but the individuals representing the NPP, are a politically tested, new tribe of people who have faced challenges and stood up for justice and good governance, and who have passed the test of honesty and integrity, playing a key role in advocating good, having been tested in their own fields of work. They have a Vision for the country not limited to words or speeches, but solid policy documents with actionable plans that are achievable over realistic timelines. The list of young professionals are equipped with the right knowledge that is important in all areas of good governance, from legal, to economic and the social arena. The people in all fairness have always voted for good governance, upholding of their rights and transparency.  But time and again over the past years they have been disappointed because promises were not kept and politicians did not live up to their expectations. Even in recent times people voted for change, and despite signs of potential progress we are still not in a stable, safe and secure environment as a country. If you look at the political scenario, it has been the same people in power, and year on year the citizens have not been given answers to their issues, nor have they seen the changes that they expect. And isn’t this obvious when the same individuals are placed in positions of power over and over again?  As they say one thing is certain, if we keep doing what we are doing, we are going to keep getting what we are getting. So if you vote-in NPP, you will then and only then see for yourself the positive changes that we bring. Is it a gamble? Yes. But will it be worth it? Yes.


  1. The Sri Lankan economy is predicted to be a minus figure at the end of this year. What will you do to uplift our situation, currently impacted by the pandemic?

It is no secret that the country is overburdened by international debt. Reports have shown the inefficiency in handling funds and loans and mismanagement of monies that have been detrimental to the country’s economy. Obviously inaction of government year on year has caused a ripple effect of negatives leading to a very unstable financial environment and economy. This also can be attributed to wastage and corruption where funds are not optimized or allocated to gain maximum return for the country and also for covering its deficits. As a party comprising of young thinkers we have clear direction and goals that could over time turn around the economy, some of which are,

  • Investment on capital expenditure which has a return
  • Reducing recurring expenditure, which currently could be an indication of corruption and waste
  • Eradicating corruption
  • Grow the country’s GDP, through support in R&D, funding and technology in Agriculture and the national industries.
  • Use of Natural resources which are currently under-utilised. For example raw sand which costs approximately USD 7/Kg, has a 700 fold earning capacity when titanium is extracted.
  • Facilitating a learning culture in Universities through investment on Research & Development with the objective of identifying new technology and methods that would increase productivity and output.

In short we have a 360 degree plan which stems from developing a knowledge hub in the country, while at the same time harnessing the potential of the country’s natural resources and human resources to increase productivity and empower society.

  1. In recent times there are questions concerning protection of rights, and especially the confidence that every individual can live in a safe environment? Your views on this.

We are a party believing in democracy trying to achieve socialist values. Our greatest desire is to get our country back on track, onto a trajectory of gradual growth. We believe this can be achieved if democracy is established and proper governance comes into place. We strongly believe that the freedom of every individual, irrespective of race, religion or gender should not be violated or regulated in such a way that takes away their right to equality. Every human being should have the freedom to live peacefully free of discrimination. Thus we recognize and respect the personal space of every individual, and that they must be given the security to be free, without fear of being oppressed, harassed, rejected or marginalized. The differences add vibrancy to society and it is our role to ensure society functions in a way that accepts such diversity and forward thinking. Therefore yes, we can assure the public that peace and justice will be upheld, so that we create an environment for every individual to be identified as a person, without labels or titles.


  1. You are an environmentalist. What will be your party’s stand on protecting our natural environment, flora and fauna?

We have sanctuaries, protected forests and other state forests, and they are under threat for deforestation with arbitrary policy and regulatory changes that happen at the whim and fancy of political powers. As a party we believe in protecting these assets, because the entire eco system is connected, and the damage to one is detrimental to the other. Deforestation itself is bad enough, but this leads to threats to our animals and even endangered species. Sri Lanka’s human-elephant conflict is still a challenge with no feasible solution implemented, whereas countries such as Kenya are opting for practical solutions that are both cost effective and economically viable and even profitable. As a party we would focus on the following key initiatives as a start,

  • Identify forest land that need to be protected and take necessary measures to protect these lands
  • Open elephant corridors to resolve human-elephant conflicts, while exploring options to arrive at practical solutions as opposed to the current cost consuming electric wire fence. For this we will need to revisit studies and other proposals that would generate ideas and proper plans that could be more effective.

Charith’s closing message was for the youth of Sri Lanka. In it he said if they want to make a decision on who to vote for, to look back at the decades of general elections and the progress of the country over the years. Every 5 years, we are given an opportunity to mark a cross that would determine our future. This could be the year that turns things around.





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