Timely addition of Intelligent Cloud to SLT Akaza with Microsoft Azure Stack


Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), the foremost ICT and digital lifestyle facilitator in the country with an expanding customer base over eleven millions varying from multinational corporations to retail and domestic customers, is delighted to announce its latest achievement, the addition of Intelligent Cloud to SLT Akaza Cloud family with the privilege of Microsoft partnership.

Enterprise customers of SLT will be exhilarated with the amazing pre-Christmas gift presented in the form of Intelligent Cloud services via the Azure stack platform implemented at SLT Tier III Data Centre in Pitipana.  When it comes to addressing the modern needs of enterprises, it’s essential to provide consistent public cloud services on private cloud to meet regulatory or technical requirements and run virtualized applications. In order to supply an efficient outcome, Stack is built on hyper converged infrastructure provided by Cisco and recommended by Microsoft plus the facility is certified to run Azure stack and PCI/DSS compliance.

Consistent Azure platform as a service capability (PaaS) would allow hybrid deployment choice and portability to cloud applications. It is the expectation of SLT to run fully managed PaaS, serverless computing, distributed micro service architectures, container management

on-premises and intelligent edge computing services with IoT HUB.  Meanwhile, Azure Stack Infrastructure as a service delivery (IaaS) exceeds traditional virtualization, with virtual machine scale sets allowing a rapid deployment with true auto scaling for modern workloads.

Mr. Kiththi Perera, CEO of SLT stated on the launch of the Intelligent Cloud  as the first ever Azure Stack deployment of this kind in Sri Lanka and further it is the first ever deployment by a telecommunication benefactor in the South East Asian region. “This is the only hybrid platform that is truly consistent with a leading public cloud, providing the consistency required by developers to build and deploy a single application for both public and private cloud without building separate applications for each platform. Now organizations can build modern applications across hybrid cloud environments with the right flexibility and control.” He further elaborated.

Chief Enterprise and Wholesale Officer at SLT, Mr. Janaka Abeysinghe, speaking for the enterprise community specified that “Azure Stack is an extension of Azure and offers real cloud experience with consistency, solves data residency problems and connectivity latency issues. ISV scan is now onboard and start selling apps with Azure Stack and experience the enhanced agility and innovation of cloud computing to on-premises environments.”

Subsequently, with this newest introduction for the betterment of enterprise customers, transferring capital infrastructure cost to operational cost by using a Pay-Per-Use consumption cloud model is abled. At the same time, customers will be able to protect virtual machines while using cloud-based Azure backup and disaster recovery with Azure Site Recovery. SLT is perpetually steadfast in delivering the best solutions for enterprises to digitally transform and enable them with intelligent cloud with Azure Stack. Further SLT has planned to introduce Kubernetes Container services from Azure Stack to run micro services enhancing the enterprise product portfolio.

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