SLT fibre to power Green Land Residencies, another high-rise apartment complex in Colombo city


Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), the national ICT and digital services provider entered into an agreement with Green Land Property Developers to provide the ICT infrastructure for the latest apartment complex currently under construction in Colombo City, Green Land Residencies. The agreement was signed recently at SLT head office premises in Colombo Fort by authorized signatories Mr. Kiththi Perera, Chief Executive Officer of SLT and Mr. A.R.M. Jiffri, Chairman of Green Land Property Developers. Other representatives from both companies also participated for the agreement signing.

Located at a prime location in Colombo 3 overlooking the sea, once completed, Green Land Residencies will comprise of 8 luxury apartment units set in an 8 floor apartment complex, complete with a spacious car park on the ground floor as well as a rooftop swimming pool. No luxury apartment is complete without a state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure in place, which is where SLT steps in, to power the residents with telecommunications services, ultra-fast broadband connectivity provided through fibre technology as well as the next revolution in entertainment television, PEO TV. SLT will provide the backbone necessary for a Smart Building that will transform ordinary lives of residents into truly digital lifestyles in the near future.

Mr. A.R.M. Jiffrey gave his comments about the newly formed partnership between SLT and Green Land Property Developers, saying, “At Green Land, our primary focus is on creating value for our stakeholders. Through our latest apartment complex, Green Land Residencies, we seek to add value to our residents by providing them with high quality apartment complexes that are synonymous with an elegant and luxurious lifestyle. Creativity and innovation are also our prerequisites in selecting a partner since we seek to not simply sell an apartment but to provide creative, innovative living experiences for our residents. We chose Sri Lanka Telecom to be our partner for this project because of their proven track record that spans across more than 160 years and the expertise that comes along with it, and most importantly, due to their reputation for innovativeness and creativity in providing ICT solutions that translate into digital lifestyles. We are confident that we have selected the best partner and we look forward to working with them to provide the best experience for our clients.”

“We thank and appreciate Green Land Property Developers for entrusting this project to Sri Lanka Telecom and for the confidence that they have placed on us,” said Mr. Imantha Wijekoon /Chief Sales and Regional Officer 1 of SLT, giving his comments on the partnership. “We are certain that we can add tremendous value to the residents of Green Land Residencies by facilitating the construction of a Smart Building powered by our ultra-fast broadband connectivity provided through fibre technology. This will give them an experience like never before and bring the entire world right to their fingertips through access to a host of smart services. Furthermore, we are also currently in the process of launching more and more digital products and services into the market. This will totally transform lives to digital lifestyles in the coming months, and will ensure the best experience for residents of Smart Buildings such as Green Land Residencies. ”

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