Cathay Pacific Sri Lanka Felicities Top Passenger and Cargo Agents at Awards Night


Cathay Pacific hosted an awards night to recognize their top performing passenger and cargo agents in Sri Lanka for their excellent service and their continuous support that ensured the success of the airline in 2018.  The team in Sri Lanka as well as the Regional Passenger and Cargo team presented the awards to the local agents.

The gala night took place on 19 and 20 August, 2019 at the 1864, Galle Face Hotel, Colombo. The highlight of the event was celebrating the long standing partnership with top agents from the Cargo and Passenger sector.

The top performing Passengers Agents in order of highest achievement were presented to Classic Travel (Pvt) Ltd, Gabo Travels (Pvt) Ltd and Metro Travels & Tours (Pvt) Ltd.

Classic Travel (Pvt) Ltd, one of the airline’s key partner and best performing agents, with their invaluable support has consistently won this award for the last ten years.

Accolades for the best Cargo Agents also based on achievements were awarded to Expolanka Freight (Pvt) Ltd, TL World (Pvt) Ltd and Freight Links Intl (Pvt) Ltd.

Appreciating the agents, Vishnu Rajendran, Country Lead- Sri Lanka & Maldives said, “Cathay Pacific has been able to successfully serve our customers in Sri Lanka in the past and will continue to do so in the years to come. Our growth in the region has been possible because of the continuous support and contribution that we have received from our trade partners. The ‘Cathay Pacific Award Night’ celebrates our top achieving agents who help us meet our customers evolving travel needs.  It is through them we are able to understand our customer’s demands and further enhance our products and services as well as strengthen our network across the globe, giving them more reasons to fly with us. ”

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