Emirati Women’s Day: Emirati first officers at Emirates spread their wings to five continents


To mark this year’s Emirati Women’s Day, five talented and passionate Emirati first officers at Emirates airline helped put the spotlight on women in aviation, and the advancement of women in the UAE, by flying to five continents on the same day.

Watch the video, released on Emirates’ social media platforms, and see how these women literally spread their wings and spread a message of inspiration from the UAE to the world.

“Emirati women are icons of tolerance, exemplifying the core values held by our community via their care, determination, ability to nurture future generations, and pursue success in their various fields of work. Their hard work and talent have helped build our company and nation, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all Emirati women for setting new benchmarks and continuing to make us proud,” said His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline & Group.

Emirati women continue to make their mark in the aviation industry. In the Emirates Group, more than 1,100 Emirati women are employed across diverse functions. Their professions span a myriad of roles across the company, from operational departments like Flight Operations and Engineering to frontline roles at Emirates Airport Services, Commercial Sales and Customer Affairs, to corporate functions like HR, Group IT, Finance and Commercial, amongst others.

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