Mobitel Introduces ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Smart Surveillance Solutions for Home Security


In response to rising demand for reliable modern surveillance tools in today’s challenging world, Mobitel has launched a range of Smart Wireless Surveillance products which offer both value-for-money and real-time security solutions. The National Mobile Service Provider has rolled out a Wireless Baby cam, Wireless IP camera and Plug and Play wireless solutions that cover every aspect of home security requirements. In order to put these solutions within easy reach of customers and to make them affordable, Mobitel has devised a special payment plan. Commercial Bank credit card customers as well as Mobitel-Com Bank Data+ Credit card customers can avail of 0% easy payment plans for 6 and 12 months for purchasing these hi-tech surveillance devices from Mobitel. All of the below wireless camera solutions are bundled with a Mobitel free router with connectivity.

All three solutions take into account the security concerns of families and offer services to combat those fears. The Mobitel Wireless Baby Cam is a dream come true for parents who can keep an eye on their bundle of joy back home from any remote location through their smartphones. Easy to set up, the Baby cam works on Wi-Fi, which requires no wiring and installation. The baby can be monitored via the smartphone and is priced at a very affordable Rs. 6,300/-.

Rising incidents of burglary and break-ins are fueling demand for smart solutions to monitor homes while family members are away. Mobitel’s Wireless IP Camera protects your home in a few simple steps. Simple to use, the Wi-Fi enabled IP Camera can be operated remotely, enabling parents to monitor security in their homes while being away. With no need for wiring or installation, the IP Camera is priced at an attractive Rs. 9,630/-.

Going a step further, the Plug & Play Surveillance Solution offers 4 wireless IP cameras, also Wi-Fi enabled for a valuable price of Rs. 53,100/-. Security of your home just got easier with this solution as you can now monitor the homes from various angles. These technologies from Mobitel eliminate worry while away from home and partner’s parents to keep their loves ones and their homes free from trespassers.

Mobitel’s innovative services are enhancing communication, technology, health, and IT literacy opportunities for citizens already, and with this new Air Ticketing facility, the pioneering mobile operator is now transforming the airline booking sector in the country to adapt to latest trends from seeking travel information on mobiles to actually booking airline seats on mobiles. Further details can be viewed at


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