Mitra Innovation to launch Managed Services in summer 2018 in partnership with Amazon Web Services


Mitra Innovation recently announced intentions to offer managed services to its clientele. In partnership with internet giant – Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Mitra Innovation will kick off its portfolio of managed services to help enterprises better manage IT infrastructure, systems and resources.

Following the AWS Partner Summit 2018, held in London earlier this year, Ashok Suppiah – CEO of Mitra Innovation – stated “Mitra Innovation is one of the fewer Cloud-based software engineering firms that are capable of offering a comprehensive end-to-end portfolio of services to its enterprise clients. That makes us eligible to offer fully managed services to our clients in partnership with Amazon Web Services.”

Mitra Innovation is a certified consulting partner to Amazon Web Services and currently delivers numerous technology solutions based on the offerings of AWS. With AWS launching its Managed Services program for partners, technology companies that offer end-to-end services are considered as consulting partners for the new line of service. The introductory partner program also provides attractive incentives for referral customers.

Brian Bartholomeusz – Head of IT, recently joined Mitra Innovation to head the new Managed Services business. Brian stated “Managed Services is a growing part of cloud based services and we are pleased to be working in partnership with AWS. We have commenced productising managed services for our customers and we are aiming to launch a new range of fully managed services in summer, 2018.”

For more information on AWS Managed Services, please contact Mitra Innovation on +44 (0) 203 908 1977, or write to

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