‘Legends of the Silver Screen’
The Chartered Institute of Marketing Sri Lanka will be hosting its first Networking Event for this year titled ‘Legends of the Silver Screen’ on 27th February, 2018 at the CIM office, No: 20, Deal Place A, Colombo 03 at 6.00 pm. This will be a night of networking and fellowship exclusively for CIM Members, free of charge.
The event features veterans of the Sri Lankan cinema namely, Ravindra Randeniya, Douglas Ranasinghe and Gihan Fernando who will speak on a variety of topics including personal branding, cinematic challenges, career highlights, ‘must do’s for professional actors and the ‘seldom talked about’ processes that helped them become legends of the silver screen. The lively discussion will be moderated by Sharon Mascarenhas. The event will be followed by networking.
Due to the limited availability of seats, early registration is recommended. Please call Morwenna on 0766 604 506 or 0112 564 860 or Email us on cimsrilanka@cim.lk for reservations.
CIM is the largest community of professional marketers in the world with 100 years of heritage delivering education, membership and insight offerings to the marketing and sales profession. CIM Sri Lanka is the first international branch of CIM UK comprising the largest number of members, both students and professional members. As the leading professional body for Marketing CIM places great emphasis in bringing together programmes that are topical and relevant targeting the members and the entire business community.